Work Out Your Brain- Improve Your Brain Performance 30 Day Program
How To Train Your Brain is a 30 day Brain Optimising Program to help you improve your brain skills that can decline as you age.
Are you also asking these questions?
Is Brain Training Effective?
Do Brain Training Games Work?
What Is Brain Training?
How Can I Stay In Peak Mental Condition?
What Is The Best Brain Training Program?
Is There A Right Way To Train Your Brain?
If you're interested in this, the 30 Day Brain Improvement program answers these questions PLUS you get a guided program to tackle head on the brain skills which decline as you get older.

"The course was wonderful. Your enthusiasm was infectious. Very informative. I have suggested friends to book."

T. Murphy
"I have already told friends of the experience and that I would imagine they would find it as informative as I did. The sessions helped me to prioritize where I need to act to make improvements in my life, to make important gains in achieving a more healthy lifestyle with reference to a more healthy brain."

R. Triggs
What Is In The How To Train Your Brain Program
  • A step by step 30 day How To Train Your Brain Action Plan: A detailed "recipe guide" of what to do before you start, what to do week 1, 2, 3, 4!
  • A look over my shoulder- guided video training session on how to best use online brain training programs
  • What games work: You're prescribed with specific online brain training exercises to tackle memory and speed of mental processing skills which is observed to decline with ageing.
  • The one brain training exercise, backed by science, to be heads and shoulders better than any other to improve age related memory decline.
  • How to engineer any real world activity to help trigger brain change and brain growth
  • Go off-line line as well with good ol pen and paper activities
  • 4 Weekly check ins to help you stay on track
  • Learn to use the same tools that are used in David's memory health services and clinic
  • Resource List of free tools to paid tools and how to check which one are worth your hard earned money and precious time
PLUS: Specific actions on how to continue to sustain brain improvements after the 30 day MasterClass has ended. Scientific proof suggests you can sustain brain improvements with this one strategy up to 5 years after your first training. We summarize the science and show you how to do this!
Who Is David Norris?
An occupational therapist of 19 plus years, David has worked with people with severe memory loss and was frustrated and heartbroken by the impact of severe memory loss on his client's lives. He asked, "What if we started taking care of our brain health as we do our physical health I wonder what the possibilities are?"

So he started teaching people about how to boost their brain health so that they can prevent avoidable memory loss.

Much like you, he is super curious about what he can do to help achieve optimum brain performance- challenging your brain is one of those key pillars for memory health for life.
The Good News Is
Wisdom comes with aging but so does cognitive decline. This is the story for most people. Brain training has offered promise to change this, and largely they have fallen well short of their promised goals- until now.

In 2014, the FINGER Study, broke down the old barriers of what was possible for preventing dementia. They showed in people at high risk for dementia that by applying multiple strategies you could reduce a person's risk for severe memory loss significantly.
One key success factor in this pioneering study was - brain training
How You Can Benefit From This Program
This Brain Optimising Program is for people who want to improve their brain performance.
  • Help prevent age related brain changes
  • Stay sharp by targeting brain skills of memory and speed of processing
  • Apply the one brain training exercise which can improve fluid intelligence. This may help you with remembering names, faces and event details more accurately.
  • Helps sets you up for sustained brain performance for the long term
  • You'll be able to assess with a critical eye online brain training programs using a simple method so you can make smart investments ( save time, money and effort)
  • Is one key part to help you reduce your lifetime risk for severe memory loss
What Makes This Program Different From Other Brain Health Training?
"David, it would be really helpful for me if I had specific instructions on how to use brain training - cause I don't know"
David, after doing so many live training events, he was very aware people were keen to have more granular, specific instructions, much like a gym workout plans, on what, how and when to do brain training exercises.
Not only that David was keen to ensure people were aware of how to check the quality of the various online brain training programs out there.
There are other courses out there get lost in the weeds of too much science not enough "how" and "action".

That's why this program exists.

It's a recipe guide for How To Improve Your Brain in 30 days and beyond.

We show you how to use 2 online brain training tools, but more than that, you learn what you need to change and how to change it.

This means you're not wedded to a specific exercise program but can take this information anywhere and create your own experience.

That's the power of this Program, you're in control, but in the beginning we coach you through the key steps and actions and by the end you're the pilot of your brain performance.

Other programs don't do this. Instead they offer some sweeping statements about how the brain works and then suggest things like dancing or just "challenge your brain". Perhaps they want you to do just one program and lock you into it.
This isn't good enough. You don't get this inside "How To Train Your Brain Program"
Are You Ready To Learn How To Work Out Your Brain And Improve Your Brain Performance Over The Next 30 days?
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